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Sacred Art Presentations +

"Paint & Sip" Events


Aveen offers original sacred art presentations focusing on a variety of topics and themes. These talks include a visual presentation where she teaches not only about the meaning of beauty and the importance and role of sacred art, but also explains the meaning behind colors and symbols commonly found in sacred art in order to teach others how to "read" works of art. These talks also include the story behind one of her own paintings that ties into the theme!


Presentations can be stand-alone events, or include a "Paint & Sip" activity afterwards!


Read below for more info and how to plan your own! 

Contact Aveen about a possible sacred art theme and bringing her to your parish, school, homeschool group, or other event!


Current Topics Available:

Mary & St. Joseph in Art

  • A look at how the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph have been depicted in art throughout the years and the common symbols/colors associated with them

  • Focuses on Mary and St. Joseph as models of virtue and holiness

  • Includes the explanation behind Aveen's piece Terror of Demons & Protectress of Humanity, as well as a brief look at her paintings Rosa Mystica and The Holy Family 

Beauty, Sacred Art, & The Eucharist

  • A look at the meaning of beauty and the importance and role of sacred art

  • Looks at how the Eucharist has been depicted in art throughout the years and common Eucharistic symbols/motifs

  • Includes the explanation behind Aveen's piece Sanguis Dei

The Feminine Mystery Discovered Through Sacred Art

  • A look at the story of woman from Eve to Mary, focusing on Mary as the prototype of woman, with key points from JPII's Mulieris Dignitatem

  • Looks at how Mary has been depicted in art throughout history, including Marian symbology and monograms

  • Includes a Visio Divina with Fra Angelico's Annunciation frescoes

  • Includes the explanation behind Aveen's piece Terror of Demons & Protectress of Humanity


Sacred Art & The Martyrs (coming soon!)

And more being added!

Looking for a specific topic?

  • Custom presentations can be created upon request to fit a specific event/audience


  • All talks can be adjusted to include certain points/topics of note​

  • Presentations can be adjusted to cater to various ages/groups (e.g. middle or high school, young adults, women's groups, etc.)

*Presentations usually go between 45 min to 1 hour in length

*Aveen will typically bring a selection of her sacred art prints and hand-lettered quotes, available for purchase after each talk!


Sacred Art "Paint & Sip":

  • Presentations can be followed by a painting activity similar to a "Paint & Sip"

  • However, unlike a guided, step-by-step instruction or tutorial of creating one painting for the entire group, each individual will instead have the opportunity to use what he/she has learned in the presentation to create his/her own piece of sacred art!

  • Individuals will start with a theological foundation for guidance and inspiration (e.g. the group will be invited to choose a title of Mary from the Litany of Loreto and create a piece illustrating that title)

  • These activities become a form of prayer, allowing each person to meditate on what he/she has learned and how to creatively incorporate those elements to create a unique painting​

  • Everyone is free to take home their piece of sacred art!​​

Paint & Sip Info

*The duration of a Paint & Sip activity is approximately 2 hours, but may go longer if needed

*Painting supplies can be provided by the parish/group itself, or Aveen may provide the supplies, along with reimbursement


These presentations would be great as a series of sacred art talks at your parish or for retreats, as a supplement to Theology classes, for homeschool groups, young adult groups, or any other event!

Feel free to contact Aveen with any questions, ideas, or inquiries, and for more info on pricing!

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© 2025 Aveen Toma

"Strive to preserve your heart in peace; let no event of this world disturb it."

-St. John of the Cross

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