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The Holy Family

oil on linen canvas ·  36 x 30 in ·  2024 · prints available here

This painting of the Holy Family captures a serene yet dignified moment in the life and union of Mary, St. Joseph, and the Child Jesus. Utilizing a simple composition, the three figures look intently at the viewer while they themselves are intimately connected; Mary and St. Joseph both gently hold on to Jesus, Who is rightfully the center of their existence and family life.

Set against a completely black background, the contrasted figures and richly-colored clothing strongly emerge from the shadows. St. Joseph stands tallest, indicating him as the rightful head of the Holy Family, with Mary, his wife, on his right. Our Lady is here traditionally depicted with a reddish rose tunic and blue mantle, with a hint of gold flowing down her veil. St. Joseph, also, is illustrated with his traditional golden-orange cloak and a red undertunic. He holds a staff of blooming lilies; a sign of his great purity. The Child Jesus is clad with a simple white garment and lovingly holds on to a wooden cross: a sign of acceptance and foreshadowing of his future Passion and Death on a wooden cross. Yet now, even in His infancy, the Child clings onto it as if a plaything. His mother and father are both united in their participation in the life of their Son, and have a integral role to play; Mary even joins her hand with her Son’s in holding the cross- a sign of her co-participation in His suffering- while the Infant Jesus also gently holds onto the finger of St. Joseph, underscoring His affection and dependency on his earthly father. The parents of Jesus seem to gaze deeply at the viewer as they hold Him, clearly protecting their Son, but also as if presenting the Christ Child forward. Though all three simultaneously look at the viewer, it is the Child Who is beaming most, despite the clear presence of the cross.

Though the painting captures a moment of simplicity in the life of the Holy Family, Mary and St. Joseph are given regal golden halos inscribed with respective titles of theirs indicative of their profound roles in both heaven and earth. Here, Mary is depicted under her title "Regina Caeli" (Latin for, "Queen of Heaven") along with twelve stars that circle around her. St. Joseph is depicted under his title "Terror Daemonum" (Latin for, "Terror of Demons"). Both titles highlight the power and authority of the mother and father of Christ- a power, though, that was somewhat hidden and unbeknownst to the world during their quiet life in Nazareth.

With the family being the most perfect mirror and icon of the Trinity on earth, may we always find refuge in the most Holy Family of Nazareth- that quiet, hidden life which, in the history of mankind, is the epitome and model of all domestic family life.

By Aveen Toma ·  2024

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"Strive to preserve your heart in peace; let no event of this world disturb it."

-St. John of the Cross

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